Binder Lift Inc
Binder Lift Inc
Visit us at booth(s) 430
Lifting patients is the most injury-prone task an EMS provider will perform on a typical shift. The Binder Lift changes this by attaching up to 32 handles to the patient's torso so providers can safely lift patients of any size with ease. It is impossible for crews to effectively team lift with proper ergonomics when following outdated and improvised lifting techniques involving a sheet, blanket, or transfer tarp. But when lifting with the Binder Lift crews can avoid lifting-related injuries and have longer, healthier careers. We’ve helped thousands of departments reduce personnel injury while providing better patient care and we would love to help your department achieve the same success.
EMS PRO EXPO - October 26 - 29, 2022
Join us for EMS PRO Expo 2021 at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT