Jim Duffy

Jim Duffy

Jim Duffy has more than forty years in the fire service, a recently retired from the Wallingford (CT) Fire Department after 28 years the last 17 as a battalion chief/shift commander. He is an ex-captain from the Mineola, Long Island (NY) Fire Department. Jim co-hosts Fireground Strategies and other stuff from the street on Fire Engineering Talk Radio with Chief Anthony Avillo. He has been published in firefighter trade magazines in Canada and the United States, including Fire Engineering and NYSFCA Size-up. Jim is a co-author for the bestselling Tactical Perspective video series from Fire Engineering, Lead on the Search video. Jim lectures on a variety of firefighting subjects throughout the country and is a regular presenter at FDIC. Chief Duffy is a member of ISFSI, IAFC, and NYSAFC.

EMS PRO EXPO - October  26 - 29, 2022

Join us for EMS PRO Expo 2021 at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT